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 10 results in yourPeople - Relatedsearch for"Pliny the Elder"Advanced Search
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Leaf from Canzoniere e Trionfi, 1473. Creator: Unknown.
Scene from Pliny, 1776. Creator: Christian Bernhard Rode.
Cleopatra's Banquet, between 1742 and 1743. Creator: Giovanni Battista Tiepolo.
Cleopatra's Banquet, between 1742 and 1743. Creator: Giovanni Battista Tiepolo.
Cleopatra's Banquet, between 1742 and 1743. Creator: Giovanni Battista Tiepolo.
Cleopatra's Banquet, between 1742 and 1743. Creator: Giovanni Battista Tiepolo.
Unicorn, 1644. Artist: Unknown
Reconstruction of Roman reaping cart, as described by Pliny, Engraving, 1860. Artist: Unknown
Reconstruction of reaping machine used in Gaul in Ancient Roman times, as described by Pliny, c1890. Artist: Unknown
Pre-binomial classification of species, 1644. Artist: Unknown